Who needs food banks

The rising costs of essentials, like bills, fuel and food, has affected many of us. But certain groups of people are more likely to face hunger than others.

Some are between jobs, have health conditions or are looking after relatives and children, while others are in work that’s insecure or doesn’t pay enough to live on.

These are the stories of three people who were forced to turn to a food bank.

Single mum Lowri’s story

“It’s quite a big thing for somebody to say to you: ‘You don’t have enough money to buy food’.”

The right support wasn’t there when Lowri was forced to close her business. She and her daughter had no other option but to turn to a food bank.

Full-time carer Siobhan’s story

“I’m only thinking of my dad. I’ve almost forgotten that I’ve got no money either.”

Siobhan has been a full-time carer for her dad since she was 25. When her dad’s health deteriorated, she had to quit her job to look after him. They were left with no income and had to visit a food bank for support.

The story of Steve, who is disabled

“Life can change so quickly, we don’t do anything to deserve it.”

Steve had to leave a job he loved in event security after an injury that meant he would be unable to work again. He was forced to turn to a food bank in the Trussell Trust network for emergency support.

*Lowri, Siobhan and Steve shared their stories in their own words. To protect identities, actors represented them in the videos.

We need an Essentials Guarantee

It’s not right that increasing numbers of people in the UK, like Lowri, Siobhan and Steve, need to use a food bank because they can’t afford the essentials.

A social security system that supports anyone in need of help is the bedrock on which we end hunger for good, but more and more people are finding it impossible to make ends meet because Universal Credit is falling short, and pushing people to food banks.

Join us in calling on all UK political party leaders to make sure Universal Credit protects people from going without the essentials.

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