Giving thanks this Giving Tuesday

Your donations provide light in the darkness and a lifeline of hope to people in crisis.

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We think you, our supporters are incredible! The compassion, kindness and generosity you show is truly humbling. Every day, there are more people like you joining the fight against UK hunger; an ever growing community working to transform lives all over the UK.

Every donation you give, no matter the size, is gratefully received. We know that you understand the pain of people whose cupboards are bare and have no means of buying more food. Your compassion is heart-warming and hugely appreciated.

Today (29 Nov) is Giving Tuesday and we want to use the day to say thank you as loudly as possible, because without you the work of foodbanks would not be, and would never have been, possible. Because of your support, thousands of people have felt relief at having food to take home to put in otherwise empty cupboards and their children have gone to bed with a hot meal inside them.

Your donations provide light in the darkness and a lifeline of hope to people in crisis. With support like yours, foodbanks can provide food, a listening ear and a referral to someone who can solve the underlying problem. Increasingly, foodbanks are helping people avoid crisis, by providing cookery and budgeting course, holiday clubs, and a whole host of other services.

The fight against UK hunger is far from over. There is still a lot more to do. But you should know that what you have already done is extraordinary. Your support for foodbanks means that no one struggling with hunger need face that challenge alone.

Thank you again for everything you do.

The Fundraising team at The Trussell Trust

Make sure you’re following us on Twitter, as we’re going to be spreading messages of thanks throughout the day.