Find a Food Bank
Enter your postcode below to find your local Trussell Trust food bank, including their contact details, website and opening times.
If you need emergency food, you’ll find contact details and information on the food bank’s website.
If you’re looking to donate food, you can find a list of items and how to donate on the food bank’s website.
Please note: This only includes Trussell Trust food banks but other food banks and sources of emergency food may be available in your local area.
Find your local food bank
Enter your postcode to find your local Trussell Trust food bank and click through to find their website and contact details.
Getting a Food VoucherGet a food voucher
Check your local food bank website or contact them to find out to get a food voucher.
Collect your food parcel
Exchange your voucher for an emergency food parcel at your local food bank.